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Purple Sage June 29, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — art4yourcondo @ 9:25 pm

Salvia leucophylla

Genus: Salvia Species: leucophylla

“Purple sage is a three to six foot evergreen shrub with flowers that are light purple in May-Jul.. Purple sage has leaves that are white tomentose(kinda fuzzy grey). This sage occurs on dry slopes where it is native from Santa Maria to Baja. Needs sun, no water after established (grows rank otherwise to eight feet). We have had no damage in containers at 8 degrees F. and slight damage in the ground at 0 deg.. One has been growing here for almost 30 years and it is still doing fine, looking good. There is a form of purple sage in the trade called Pt. Sal. Use the purple sage in heavy clays(but it does ok in sand), for wildlife(Quail love the seed), for a grey border of a desert garden(a little extra water in winter is all you’ll need in Palmdale), in the back of a butterfly garden, or as part of a sage garden. A grey, gray, cloud with some pink, a dream for one who loves grey, or gray.” (

“The purple sage (Salvia dorrii) is generally described as a Perennial Subshrub or Shrub. This Dicot (dicotyledon) is native to the U.S. (United States) and has its most active growth period in the Spring and Summer . The Purple Sage has Green foliage and inconspicuous Blue flowers, with inconspicuous White fruits or seeds. The greatest bloom is usually observed in the Late Spring, with fruit and seed production starting in the Spring and continuing until Summer. Leaves are not retained year to year. The Purple Sage has a Short life span relative to most other plant species and a Moderate growth rate. At maturity, the typical Purple Sage will reach up to 2.5 feet high, with a maximum height at 20 years of 2.5 feet.

The Purple Sage is usually not commercially available except under contract. It can be propagated by Bare Root, Container, Cuttings and Seed. It has a Moderate ability to spread through seed production and the seedlings have Medium vigor. Note that cold stratification is not required for seed germination and the plant cannot survive exposure to temperatures below -23°F. Purple Sage has Medium tolerance to drought and restricted water conditions.” (


Showy Milkweed

Filed under: Uncategorized — art4yourcondo @ 7:58 pm

Asclepias speciosa

“The showy milkweed (Asclepias speciosa) is generally described as a Perennial Forb or herb. This Dicot (dicotyledon) is native to the U.S. (United States) and has its most active growth period in the Spring and Summer . The Showy Milkweed has Green foliage and conspicuous White flowers, with conspicuous Black fruits or seeds. The greatest bloom is usually observed in the Early Summer, with fruit and seed production starting in the Summer and continuing until Summer. Leaves are not retained year to year. The Showy Milkweed has a Long life span relative to most other plant species and a Moderate growth rate. At maturity, the typical Showy Milkweed will reach up to 6 feet high, with a maximum height at 20 years of 6 feet.

The Showy Milkweed is easily found in nurseries, garden stores and other plant dealers and distributors. It can be propagated by Container and Seed. It has a Moderate ability to spread through seed production and the seedlings have Medium vigor. Note that cold stratification is not required for seed germination and the plant cannot survive exposure to temperatures below -33°F. Showy Milkweed has Low tolerance to drought and restricted water conditions.” (

Showy Milkweed is found in many habitats throughout California. The large oval leaves are a fuzzy grey-green, held on four foot stalks topped with a rose-pink flower cluster. A dramatic plant for the back of a flower bed, as well as an indispensable plant for the wildlife gardener, attracting Monarch butterflies as well as many other beneficial insects. Winter dormant.” (

milkweed (Asclepias) 아스클레피아스

쌍떡잎식물 용담목 박주가리과의 한 속. 여러해살이풀이며 높이 약 1m이다. 줄기에는 털이 나고 자르면 흰 유액()이 나온다. 대체로 잎은 마주나고 버들잎처럼 생긴 긴 타원형이다. 꽃은 작고 가지 끝에 산형꽃차례로 달린다. 화관은 5개로 깊게 갈라져 뒤로 젖혀진다. 수술은 5개이고 열매는 양 끝이 뾰족한 원기둥 모양이며 종자에 털이 난다. 추위에 약하므로 겨울에는 보온을 잘 해주어야 한다.
열대 아메리카 원산인 블러드플라워(blood flower:A. curassavica)는 관상용으로 심는데, 붉은빛을 띤 자주색 화관에 주황빛이 돌며 4∼9월에 꽃이 핀다. 미국 남부 원산인 버터플라이위드(butterfly weed:A. tuberosa)는 잎이 버들잎같이 생기고 알뿌리이며, 꽃은 오렌지색으로서 6∼9월에 핀다. 아메리카와 아프리카에서 100여 종이 자라고, 그중 몇 종을 관상용으로 심는다.

showy 1 눈에 띄는, 눈부신 2 화려한, 야한(gaudy)


mock orange 고광나무

Filed under: Uncategorized — art4yourcondo @ 7:51 pm

Philadelphus lewisii ; Deciduous Shrub 낙엽성 관목

Our native mock orange is a scrubby fighter of a bush, able to withstand cold and hot, moist and dry. It can be found in open meadowland and at the edge of forests. Like other mock oranges it is quite fragrant and the white flowers are showy. It is a fairly open, loose and irregular shrub and is best used at the back of a border or as part of a hedgerow. It should also be considered for use near outdoor living areas or entries when their fragrance early summer is most appreciated.

주로 산골짜기에서 자란다. 높이는 2~4m이고 작은가지에는 털이 조금 있으며 2년생 가지는 회색이고 껍질이 벗겨진다. 잎은 마주나고 달걀 모양 또는 타원형으로 양쪽 끝이 뾰족하며 뚜렷하지 않은 톱니가 있다. 잎 표면은 녹색이고 털이 거의 없으나 뒷면은 연한 녹색으로 맥 위에 잔털이 있다. 잎의 길이는 7~13cm, 나비 4~7cm이다.

4~5월에 흰색 꽃이 잎겨드랑이나 꼭대기에 총상꽃차례[]로 5~7개가 달리며 꽃대와 꽃가지에 잔털이 있다. 꽃받침은 안쪽 끝에 잔털이 있으며 꽃잎은 둥글다. 암술대는 4개이고, 열매는 삭과로 둥근 모양이고 9월에 익는다. 목재는 관상용으로 쓰고 어린 잎은 식용한다.

충청북도를 제외한 전국 각지와 일본·중국 둥베이[]·우수리 강변 등지에 분포한다.


Dudleya anthonyi Rose

Filed under: Uncategorized — art4yourcondo @ 7:37 pm

Probably one of the most beautiful dudleyas with its white farinose rosettes, the large inflorescences, and the dark red flowers. Can become very big with the right car
